I love Fashion! I do! ! I love people who dress to access, who dress in an ostentatious manner,. I love people who make an entrance! Especially if it causes waves and makes people talk! When I see people Rocking their Show like this, I feel like raising the metal hand in the air like yelling "You GO GIRLFRIEND!" "You GO BOYFRIEND!" You Be the Bold and Fabulous individual you are! You be the REVOLUTION!!
Fashion is something that people love to fob off as shallow or self indulgent....like one should feel ashamed for dressing up. Play it small, Don't stand out...if you stand out you put yourself up for ridicule. So people do....they play it small. They wear something that will make them blend in.
Ive never been one to conform in life, so i don't see why i should in my wardrobe choices. My worst nightmare is uniforms....All through Primary School, then Catholic Girls school I had to wear uniforms. We all looked exactly the same as each other....all got on to the school bus in one big herd like a pack of Cows. I hated it....it made me feel totally dehumanised. Then I got out of school, and went to University, where debate and fee thought are encouraged. Where you can wear whatever you want everyday! It was a revelation! Then I started to play with clothes, play with looks and different Subcultures. I don"t think many people were surprised when i dropped out of a degree in Art History, Politics and Archaeology to pursue Fashion instead.
At the time, I think I was living and working in the Anarchist book shop, that a group of us Punks set up, then going off to Fashion School to learn how to make patterns. I never saw the two things as mutually exclusive....like when the Revolution comes...We r going to look good....or in the very least be able to make our own clothes!
In fact, I have really fond memories of going to gigs with a bunch of my housemates who were all Punks, and it was like a full on styling session before we walked out the door...and i was living with nearly all boys. Everyone would be putting fresh colour in their hair, the clippers would be out...re-shaving Mo hawks, New patches getting sewn on to jackets....guys used to bury their jeans in the garden and dig them up a week later to get that "Crustie" look. I think thats what really appealed to me about Punk. It was Political, the music was good, and they dressed up, as a way to raise their middle finger to the establishment.
I think Fashion has been used through the ages like Art and Politics to challenge the dominant Paradigm and shift peoples views of what is socially acceptable. Think of the 60s and 70s, how fashion changed with the womens movement, the 80s and 90s, and how the LGBTIQ+ community have continually been brave with fashion, even in the face of danger.
What I love most about fashion though, is its ability to bring joy.
I'm sitting in the Alt Finery right now and I have a whole group of women in here all trying on our sequin dresses and hats, taking selfies, and having a ball!
Just the reaction when people walk in and see a whole wall of sequins is priceless. Peoples faces light up like a kid at Christmas time. They cautiously touch them, then i say..."Try It On! Just have a Play!"
Thats right! Just Play! Have a good time with it! Wear sequins during the day, wear them to the Supermarket, Just have fun with it!
I also love finding people that perfect piece, that fits just right. We alter our clothes in store to make sure that each customer gets the perfect fit, they are happy with.
At ALT Finery, thats what we are about.... Making fashion fun....Making people feel good! Fitting people so they feel Fabulous!
In the town where ALT Finery lives, it is a country town, so there is certain aspects of wardrobe that do require practicality ( For example, thermals, a good Puffer jacket and Gum Boots are almost a must here. ) and we cater for this with our range of Jeans, Shirts, Blouses, T-Shirts, undies and we are even getting in Bathers this week.
But we also LOOOVE to dress up. We have the most Amazing range of Dresses from Day wear, Vintage Looks, Evening and Sequins. We also have an exceptional range of Jackets from Biker to Bling! We also have and so many accessories to team up with your fabulous outfits.
I mentioned this last week, but seriously...any excuse to dress up will do!
We are running a great competition in store to encourage everyone to come into ALT Finery, dress up and express themselves. Its our "Strike a Pose"competition. We want people to come and try on one of our Amazing Hats by Designer Jennifer Dagley. Take a selfie and hashtag us, and the best Selfie wins their Hat of choice!
This competition is a bit of a tribute to The Chillout Festival, Daylesfords own Queer Country Pride festival, which is on this week from Thursday 8th March to Monday 12th March. chilloutfestival.com.au The competition will be drawn this Saturday the 10th at 4pm, so the winner can rock their hat at some really Awesome Chill out events.
I gotta say, I just love seeing the whole Town decked out in Rainbow! It really makes my heart glad. Its such an Awesome weekend in Daylesford, if you haven't been before you really need to check it out!
Hope to see you at Chillout or come visit in store at ALT Finery, 7/22-24 Howe St, Daylesford 3460.
Have a great week
Cheers Sam.xxx
Its Chillout Festival again in Daylesford! YAY!!
GET READY FOR CHILLOUT FESTIVAL 25TH SILVER JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY!!! If you have never been here during ChillOut, you are in for a treat! The whole of Daylesford is decked out in rainbow flags, people come from near and far for 4 days, from 11th- 14th March. This years program is full of awesome events....Cocktail parties, Art Auctions, Cabaret Acts, Music, Dance parties, and the Annual Street Parade, all dedicated to Queer Country Pride.
Yaassss! Spring at Last!!
In Daylesford, the early signs of Spring are the Flowers. First the Daffodils, then the Snowdrops, then the Blossom trees....infusing the breeze with a beautiful Floral scent. I Love it! New Life, a Fresh Season and the promise of warmer weather.
As an ode to Spring, and to frock weather, showcasing my Top 10 Floral Frock choices at Alt Finery.